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Basic Taiwanese Phrases


Welcome!: Hoan-geng5 kong-lim5! 歡迎光臨!

Hello!: Li2-ho2! 你好!

How are you?: Li2 ho2 bo0? 你好嗎? (or is the last character 無?)

Thank you, I’m fine: To-sia2, gua2 tsin5-ho/be7-bai2. 多謝, 我真好…[?]

Many thanks: To-sia2. 多謝.

I’m pleased to meet you: Goa2 chin hoan-hi2 kap li2 sek8-sai7. 我真歡喜及你認似.

Good morning: Gau5-tsa2. 爻早.

Good afternoon: Go-on. 午安.

Good evening: Buan2-an. 晚安.

Cheers!: Hō ta lah! 呼乾啦! [“Let cup be dry”]

I don’t understand: Gua2 thian-bo0. 我聽無.

Do you speak Taiwanese?: Li2 e7-hiau2 kong2 tai5-gi2 bo5? 你會曉講台語無?

Yes, a little: E7-hiau2, jit-tiam-tiam. 會曉, 一點點.

Excuse me: Chhian2-mng7. 請問. [“May I ask…?”]

Excuse me: Tui3-put4-khi2. 對不起. [Sorry.]

Excuse me: Tsioh4-kue3. 借過. [?]

How much is this?: Goa7 che7 chin5? 偌濟錢?

Sorry: Sit-le2. 失禮

Sorry: Phain2-se3. [Pai2-se3. ?]歹勢.

Don’t mention it / No problem: Bian2 kheh-khi3. 不客氣.

Where’s the toilet?: Piān-só ti7 to2-ui7? 便所佇叨位?

I love you: Gua2 ai3 li2. 我愛你.

Call the police!: Gio ging-tsad [?]! 叫警察!

Merry Christmas!: Sèng-tàn-chiat Khòai-lo̍k! 聖誕節快樂!

Happy New Year!: Sin-nî Chhut-thâu-thiⁿ! 新年出頭天!

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